Sexualities and Dementia “Train the Trainer” workshops

1460_QldDTSC_Sexualities_Dem_Manual_5CoverartA series of  Free ‘Train the Trainer’, Sexualities and Dementia workshops will be conducted by the Dementia Training Study Centres (DTSC) across Australia in 2014.

Workshops will be available in Sydney, Newcastle, Melbourne, Hobart, Adelaide, Perth, Geraldton & Cairns.  Places are limited to 25 per workshop and are aimed at those in leadership and education roles to facilitate dissemination and uptake of the Sexualities and Dementia: Education Resource for Health Professionals.

The Sexualities and Dementia Education Resource is available to download free from

For further info go to -

    Dementia Training Study Centres are supported by the Australian Government

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